PMS Rules and RegulationsPMS Rules and Regulations
In these rules and regulations, unless the context or the subject matter otherwise requires:
“Society” shall mean the Pakistan Membrane Society”
“Body” shall mean the General Body of the society under Rule 8.12.
“Board” shall mean the Advisory Board (AD) of the Society duly called under Rule 8.2.
“Council” shall mean the Executive Council (EC) of the Society duly called under Rule 8.3.
“Member” shall mean a member of the Society whose name is entered in the register of members as per Rule 5.
“President” shall mean the President of the Society appointed under Rule 8.4
“Senior Vice President/Vice President/General Secretary/Joint Secretary/Treasurer/Manager Public Relations/Membership Coordinator” shall mean the Senior Vice President/Vice President/General Secretary/Joint Secretary/Treasurer/Manager Public Relations/Membership Coordinator of the Society appointed under Rule 8
Rule 1 – Name
The name of this organization shall be the Pakistan Membrane Society, hereafter called the PMS or simply the Society.
Rule 2 – Office
The registered office of the Society will be located at 37 Springs, Bahria Town, Lahore, Punjab (Pakistan). The society may have other offices within the country as the Advisory Board on the advice of Executive Council may require or specify.
Rule 3- Purposes
3.1 The society is a non-profit organization.
3.2 The Society shall not engage in any pollical or religious activity, or participate or engage in any attempt to influence legislation on behalf of any individual(s).
3.3 The Society shall not discriminate, in its activities or among its members, on the basis of politics, race, religion, age or gender.
3.4 The Society shall pursue its objectives according to its mission and objectives as formulated by the Council with the approval of General Body.
Rule 4 – Vision
The Society is to represent Membrane Science, Engineering and Technology in Pakistan while realizing its role to seek indigenous solutions for local problems, aligned to societal needs.
Rule 5 – Mission
5.1 To be the nexus of membrane science, engineering and technology activity in Pakistan.
5.2 To promote collaboration among the researchers, engineers, technologists and industry.
5.3 To disseminate membrane technology across the community and to end users.
5.4 To pace with current global research and highlight future trends.
Rule 6 – Objectives and functions
The society shall work exclusively for scientific and educational activities related to membrane science, engineering and technology. The objectives of this Society shall be
- To promote the professional development of its members through its programs and its relations with Membrane Chapters,
- To encourage and facilitate interaction among membrane chapters of the Society,
- To encourage exchange of scientific knowledge through participation in national and international membrane meetings,
- To contribute to the development of membrane science, engineering and technology through activities involving stakeholders,
- To strive actively to form strong liaison between academia and membrane industry.
Rule 7 – Membership
7.1 There shall be four (4) classes of members in the Society
(1) Student (2) Professional (3) Overseas (Student/Professional) (4) Emeritus (5) Honorary
7.2 Membership in the Society is a privilege which is accorded to professionals, scientists, engineers, students and other individuals who have, at least part of their activities, devoted to membrane science and/or technology. The membership form will be made available on the Society website.
7.3 The candidature of the member shall be reviewed by the Council or its nominee. Upon meeting the requisite criteria as outlined in Rule 7.2, the candidate shall be awarded the status of member defined under the Rule 7.1.
7.4 A candidate whose application for membership has not been endorsed by the Council or whose application has been deferred shall be so notified by the General Secretary. The applicant may, in writing to the General Secretary, request a review of the application. In such a case, the Council shall reconsider the application and inform the applicant of its decision. The council may specify a period of time after which an applicant who was not accepted for membership may reapply for membership.
7.5 The Council shall have the right to request any additional information from the candidate for membership.
7.6 Emeritus membership shall be open to active members who reached the age of sixty (60) or retired from the academic/research. Written application must be submitted to the General Secretary. Granting of Emeritus Membership shall be contingent upon approval of the Council.
7.7 (1) Honorary Membership may be conferred upon any individual who has gained professional prominence by contributing in the field of membranes and to the goals of this Society.
(2) Following the recommendation of the Council, honorary membership may be conferred upon an individual fulfilling the requirements by approval of a majority of the members voting at the annual General Body Meeting.
7.8 Each member shall have one vote in the General Body meeting.
7.9 The annual membership fee shall be revised/reviewed by a majority vote of the Council and shall be made public through the website of the Society. The membership fee shall be paid by all the members.
7.10 The annual membership fee shall be valid from January 1st till December 31st.
7.11 If the dues of any member are in arrears for more than one financial year, his membership shall be suspended.
7.12 Each member shall demonstrate continued adherence to the principles of ethics consistent with the member’s professional community.
7.13 Each member shall maintain high professional and ethical conduct, and comply with Rules & Regulations established from time to time by the Society.
7.14 Members are eligible to vote, be the Council member, serve on committee, and sponsor candidates for membership.
7.15 Any member committing gross professional misconduct in the opinion of the Council or is convicted for moral turpitude shall cease to be a member.
7.16 Any member may resign from his membership through a written communication to the General Secretary who shall put up the same to the Council which has the power to sanction the admission or enrolment for consideration. The resignation shall take effect from the date of receiving the application or such other date at the discretion of the executive council.
7.17 Members may not receive any remuneration for the functions they perform, but are entitled for reimbursements for direct expenses by items approved by Council.
7.18 Members of the Board (AB) and the Council (EC) may be paid for travel, meal and/or lodging for meetings subject to the approval from the Council and subject to the availability of funds.
Rule 8 – Organization and Administration
8.1 The operating year shall be from January 1 through December 31.
8.2 Advisory Board (AB)
8.2.1 The Society shall be governed by an Advisory Board (AB) consists of 4 members. Presidents of the previous consecutive Society automatically become the members of the Board after their presidency.
8.2.2 The Board members shall serve for two years. The senior one shall be the chair of the Board. The seniority will be counted from the date of joining the Board and then by age.
8.2.3 The mission of the Board is to lead the Society to a better direction based on their experiences.
8.2.4 The Board members may participate in the Council meetings, and express their opinions, but don’t have the right to vote. The Board members may also invite the current President of the Council to attend meetings.
8.2.5 The board shall meet at least once a year and remain in contact by telephone/email/Skype/WhatsApp or correspondence as necessary.
8.2.6 A quorum shall consist of 50 % of registered members having valid membership.
8.2.7 Meeting can also be convened on petition of 50 % of its members or at the call of the Chair.
8.3 Executive Council (EC)
8.3.1 The PMS Executive Council will comprise of eight members. The Council shall be elected for a period of two years by voting in a General Body meeting. The Council will comprise of the following positions (i) President (ii) Senior Vice President (iii) Vice President (iv) General Secretary (v) Joint Secretary (vi) Treasurer (vii) Manager Public Relations (viii) Membership Coordinator. Any member may nominate him/herself for the above-mentioned positions in the Society council and seconded by any other member. Elections will be held for each of the Council positions by voting among general body members. The candidate securing maximum votes for the contested position will be elected for the subject position. One reelection shall be permitted. The Board members may also contest election of Council upon resignation from the Board and cannot hold two posts i.e AB and EC at the same time.
8.3.2 The election shall be by secret ballot.
8.3.3 The Council may constitute and appoint such committee and committee members, for such purpose as it deems fit and such terms and conditions as the Council may from time to time, determine.
8.3.3 Decisions of the Council must be made by a majority vote, with a minimum of one half of the total Council members constituting a quorum for the vote.
8.3.4 The Council shall deal with all matters of policy, it shall conduct and manage all business and affairs of the Society.
8.3.5 The Council shall take such action as it deems fit to promote the objectives of the Society.
8.3.6 The Council shall frame the budget and review resources of the Society from time to time.
8.3.7 The Council shall approve the annual report and balance sheet before presenting it to the General Body.
8.3.8 The Council shall consider holding the Annual General Meeting and other meetings of the Society.
8.3.9 The Council shall appoint auditors to audit the accounts of the Society.
8.3.10 The Council shall see that funds are being properly spent in the best interest of the Society.
8.3.11 The Council shall maintain relations with other fraternal societies.
8.3.12 The Council shall each year, prepare an Annual Report on the Affairs of the Society and send it to the Members or present in Annual General Body Meeting.
8.3.13 The Council may meet for the dispatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings, as it deems fit. The Council may make such rules as it considers necessary for its efficient working.
8.3.14 The Council shall constitute an Election Committee comprising two (2) senior members.
8.3.15 The Council shall meet at least once a year and remain in contact by telephone/email/Skype/WhatsApp or correspondence as necessary.
8.3.16 A quorum shall consist of 50% of the Council members.
8.3.17 Meeting can also be convened on petition of 1/3rd of its members or at the call of the President.
8.3.18 Minutes of each meeting of the Council shall be recorded by the Secretary, countersigned by the President, and kept available for inspection/verification/audit to comply the society’s constitution.
8.3.19 The incumbent shall uphold the dignity of the profession by actions, words and writings.
8.3.20 The incumbent shall not enter into malpractices.
8.3.21 The incumbent shall discharge their duties honestly.
8.3.22 The incumbent shall not indulge in immoral acts, injure or attempt to injure, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation or business of any other member.
8.4 The President
8.4.1 The duties of the President shall be to coordinate the activities of the Society and to maintain contact with the member chapters.
8.4.2 He/She shall have powers to convene meetings of the General Body or the Council and shall preside over them.
8.4.3 He/She shall, on the recommendations of the General Secretary, order payments for services procured or expenditure incurred for the Society subject to any limitation imposed by the Council.
8.4.4 He/She may take decisions he/she deems fit in emergency on behalf of the Council or General Body. He/She shall subsequently report to the Council for its approval.
8.5 Senior Vice-President
In the absence of the President, the senior Vice-President shall assume the duties of that office.
8.6 Vice-President
In the absence of the Senior Vice-President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of that office.
8.7 General Secretary
8.7.1 He/She shall be responsible for the efficient execution of the affairs of the Society.
8.7.2 He/She shall act as a Secretary at all business meetings of the Society.
8.7.3 He/She shall maintain an orderly record of the proceedings of all meetings held on behalf of the Society.
8.7.4 He/She shall present the report of activities for approval at the Executive Council meeting before the Annual General Meeting for presenting to the General Body.
8.7.5 He/She shall notify information to members and officers as required.
8.7.6 He/She shall call general body meeting on advice of (i) President (ii) In writing request of 50% the Council members.
8.8 Joint Secretary
In the absence of the General Secretary, the Joint Secretary shall assume the duties of that office.
8.9 Treasurer
8.9.1 He/She shall keep accounts of the funds of the Society and maintain necessary records for the purpose.
8.9.2 He/She shall make payments authorized by the Council or the President.
8.9.3 He/She shall prepare the balance sheet along with an audited report and present it to the Council.
8.9.4 He/She shall receive dues from members and issue receipts and shall also maintain a register for members in good standing and in arrears. He/She shall issue reminder notices to the members in arrears.
8.9.5 He/She shall present the results of the audit, including any recommendations of the auditor, at the next Council and GB meetings.
8.9.6 He/She shall prepare and present a management report which shall include an analysis of income, expenses, and investments.
8.9.7 He/She is also responsible for filing the appropriate tax and registration forms and maintaining liability and assets of society.
8.10 Manager Public Relations
8.10.1 He/She shall update the Society website and social media by uploading the information/data and release the news etc. upon instruction by the Society and the President.
8.10.2 He/She shall also act as event/media manager for all activities of the Society or as instructed by the Council or the President.
8.11 Membership Coordinator
8.11.1 He/She shall keep record of the Society members, send invitations, and keep interaction with them, or any duty assigned by the President.
8.12 General Body
8.12.1 A general meeting to be called the annual general meeting shall be held within a
reasonable period following the close of the Society’s financial year to review the
working of the Society and to approve the report of the Council and the accounts.
All general meetings of the Society other than the annual general meeting shall be
called extraordinary general meetings
8.12.2 The Body shall consist of all members of the Society as outlined in Rule 4.
8.12.3 It will consider and approve the annual progress report and the balance sheet of the Society as presented by the General Secretary and the Treasurer on behalf of the Council.
8.12.4 It will nominate and elect the President, Vice Presidents and council members to serve on the Council, as laid down in Article 8.3.
8.12.5 It considers and passes resolutions and amendments to the Rules & Regulations of the Society.
8.12.6 It will direct such actions for the guidance and pursuance of the Council as it may consider desirable to further the objectives of the institution.
8.12.7 It will take decision on matters brought before it by the Council/Board.
8.12.8 The quorum of the general body meeting will be 1/3rd.
8.12.9 The meeting(s) of the Board can be convened in extraordinary sessions by a petition at least 40% of the members of the society or called on by Board/Council by 2/3rd majority.
8.12.10 The meeting of the GB shall be held at periodic intervals when deemed necessary but shall meet at least once a year.
8.12.11 Except as otherwise provided by law or where these Rules and Regulations
require a special resolution, the act of a majority of the Members present at any
meeting shall be the act of the Society in general meeting provided that in case of
a tie, the chairperson of the meeting shall have a second and casting vote.
Rule 9 – Finances
9.1 The Society shall be financed by the following sources:
9.1.1 Fundraising for the Society by the members of the Council.
9.1.2 Donations/contributions from other sources, national or international, acceptable
to the Council.
9.1.3 Membership Fees, subscriptions and dues paid to the Society.
9.1.4 Grants from the Government of Pakistan or any Provincial Government of
9.1.5 Earnings of the Society on account of its working or investments.
9.2 The Society shall cover its activities through membership fee and donations.
9.3 The Society shall utilize its money, property and income solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Society.
9.4 The Council shall utilize its income and donations in Government investment plans under intimation to the General Body of the Council.
9.5 All funds of the Society not otherwise employed or invested shall be deposited,
from time to time, to the credit of the Society in such schedule bank or banks as
the Council may from time to time designate and for the purpose of such deposit
all cheques, drafts and other orders for the payment of money which are payable
to the order of the Society may be endorsed, signed and delivered by the Treasurer of the Society, or in any other manner as may from time to time be
determined by the Council.
9.6 All cheques, drafts or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the
Society shall be signed or endorsed by President or Treasurer
of the Council of the Society as shall from time to time be determined by the
Council Members. If required, each of such members shall give such bonds as the
Council may require.
Rule 10 – Audit and Accounts
10.1 The Council shall cause to be kept complete and proper books of account in
accordance with the requirements of law. The first accounting year (financial
year) of the Society shall be closed on the next 31st day of December. Thereafter
every financial year of the Society will begin on 1st January and close on 31st
December. The Council may change the financial year as permitted by law.
10.2 The accounts of the Society shall be audited every year.
10.3 The Society in general meeting shall appoint a Chartered Accountant as the
auditor of the Society who will audit the books of account every year. The
remuneration of the auditor shall be fixed by the Society in general meeting.
Provided, however, that the first auditor shall be appointed by the Council.
Rule 11 – Local branches/Chapters
11.1 A local chapter may be constituted at any station where there are fifteen or more members of PMS or as described in Article – 2
11.2 By-Laws according to the Constitution for the local Chapters shall be published separately.
Rule 12 – Bye Laws
The Council may make Bye Laws to provide for matters not specifically or sufficiently provided herein.
Rule 13 – Amendments of the Rules & Regulations
Any member of the Society may propose an amendment to the Rules & Regulations of the society by submitting it in writing to the President of the society. Adoption of an amendment to the Constitution shall require an affirmative vote of two-third of the General Body provided that the Council have recommended/reviewed it and put before General Body. The voting for amendment will be conducted through “show of hands”
Rule 14 – Interpretation/Arbitration
In case of any doubt or dispute relating to the interpretation of Rules & Regulations or the Bye-Laws made thereunder, or any difference or dispute between the Society and any Member relating to these Rules & Regulations or to any of the affairs of the Society, the decision by the Board on the advice or recommendation by the Council shall be final. However, it will be presented to General Body in its next meeting for discussion and endorsement.
Rule 15 – Indemnity
The office-bearers and the members of the Council or functionaries of the Society shall be indemnified by the Society against all losses, damages and expenses occasioned by any error of judgment or oversight on their part, or an accident happening In the execution of their duties of office. The Society shall also indemnify them against all expenses necessarily incurred by them in connection with the defence of any action, suit or proceeding in which they or any of them are made parties by reason of being or having been office-bearers, members of the Council and functionaries of the Society.
Rule 16 – Dissolution of the society
The society may be dissolved only by a unanimous vote of the council and with the approval in General Body meeting of the society. Prior to dissolution of the society all debt of the society must be discharged, and all its affairs settled. The assets left after meeting its liabilities, if any, shall be transferred to ay institution or fund or trust under the Government Rules within three (3) months of the dissolution.